From expansion to inflation
Bang theory has evolved over time. Twenty years ago, space was
expanding. According to Hubble’s red shift measurements all
galaxies were moving away from each other (except those on collision
courses), so the intergalactic void was somehow subject to expansion.
This also meant there was no centre, no localised starting point. An
infinite, inert and timeless universe had suddenly changed its state
into motion, interaction, light-time and increasing infinity. This
beginning of history was dated back thirteen point seven to point
eight billion years, which presumably was the time taken by our own
galaxy to distance itself from its neighbours (except for approaching
Andromeda and possibly others hidden behind the Milky Way).
expansion as a model is not without problems, however, and has been
replaced by that of material inflation. The cosmos inflated from a
very small pea to infinity at lightning speed, especially the first
trillionth of a trillionth of a second. This different approach also
supposes that the universe has a centre, from where all came and may
eventually return (Big Crunch), which means the red shift is less
plausibly explained.
with all scientific theories, time and technology will tell, but the
passage from expansion to inflation is an intellectual leap that also
occurred in the more mundane and equally intricate world of finance.
A decade ago money was expanding with credit, where one dollar could
lend you twenty or thirty. Since 2008, to avoid a cosmic crunch,
Central Banks have inflated money ex nihilo by the
instantaneous electronic creation of countless billions of monetary
astrophysicists spend time and money speculating on the origins of
matter, it is of little consequence one way or the other. When banks
have government approval to fiddle around with the nation’s wealth,
there are consequences for everyone whatever the outcome. If they
have got it wrong, which seems increasingly likely, if both expansion
and inflation are mistakes, the ensuing chaos will be universal.
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