Killing democracy
of the reasons why the America and Israel are so close is the
similarity of their foundations. Religious refugees fleeing Europe
settled on native lands, expropriated the local inhabitants and made
war on them. In America, the invaders were helped by contagious
diseases, such as smallpox, chickenpox and tuberculosis, against
which Native Americans had no inbred resistances. In Palestine, this
did not occur, and most of the original inhabitants and their
descendants are still around. The destruction of tribal America
lasted almost three centuries, and left just a few survivors. The
destruction of tribal Palestine has been going on for a century, and
there are millions of survivors. But, though the death tolls cannot
be compared, the cultural destruction can be. Tribal communities are
structured around their common land tenure. When that is taken away,
the community falls apart. Common ownership creates ties and
obligations, and is extremely stable over time. Tribal property goes
back to prehistoric times, perhaps to the dawn of humanity. Its main
opponents have been urban societies, where a few own a lot and many
own next to nothing. It is that urban hierarchy that destroyed tribal
America and is destroying tribal Palestine.
sees Israel through the lens of its own past, fighting heathen hordes
with god on their side, the god of temples, cities and power. The
crime of genocide is transmuted into a heroic combat of good against
evil. Having rewritten its past, America applies the same method of
reading to Israel’s present. And, just as in America the population
that is not white enough does not have equal rights, so it is in
Israel for those not Jewish enough. Israel has declared itself a
Jewish nation. Will America follow and proclaim itself a white
nation, not cryptically but openly like Donald Trump. America has
supported Israel unconditionally since its creation in 1948, as an
outpost close to the world’s major oil fields. But this strategic
approach has grown in intimacy over time to become a common
identification. The armed colonisation of America was reflected in
the armed colonisation of Palestine, which reflects America’s armed
colonisation of the world.
cannot criticise Israel without questioning its own not so distant
past. And both nations have constructed themselves on the Old
Testament Bible, the manifest destiny of god’s chosen People.
Success, wealth and conquest are signs of his approval. In linking
modern capitalism to Protestant ethics, Max Weber brought up the
notion of “a calling”, a secret voice, a sign, a presence, a
personal conviction that the path followed is the right one. America
was “called” to be what it is. And all the horror and misery of
that becoming was just collateral damage, hardly worth mentioning.
Genocide, slavery, Jim Crow segregation, mass incarceration,
homelessness and the treatment of immigrants are hidden by a façade
of fanfares and glamour. And America’s imperialist footprints
around the planet are said to bring democracy, which has given that
concept such a bad name that no one wants to hear about it anymore.
Similarly, the 1948 Nakba, the Arab wars of 1956, ’67, ’73 and
’82, the blockade of the Gaza ghetto, the treatment of occupied
territories and Arab Israelis, and the right of might, are glossed
over with democratic paint and argued with the old narrative of god’s
Promised Land. America and Israel are as close as possible, and their
storytelling is intertwined. By pretending to represent democracy,
they have tainted it irremediably.
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